International Conference for advanced training of nurses

International Conference for advanced training of nurses

Professional development of medical workers should not occur once every five years, because medicine is developing so rapidly.

Despite the fact that nursing specialists are mid-level medical personnel, their level of professionalism is no less demanding than that of physicians. Under current law, nurses are required to take regular refresher courses. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification.

And our conference is designed to do just that!

Why take advanced training courses for nurses

The law requires nursing staff to upgrade their knowledge, skills, and abilities throughout their careers.

Full-time or distance learning for nurses is required at least once every five years.
If nursing staff work in a state or municipal health care institution, training is paid for by the employer
at the expense of the budget. Nurses and nurses at private health care facilities usually pay for
the educational program themselves.

Nursing continuing education conferences keep nurses up-to-date on innovations in their specialty

Thanks to advanced training for senior and nursing staff, a new format of highly qualified professional is
able to take on the job. He or she makes decisions within the scope of his or her duties independently.

Conferences and continuing education courses for nurses help bring the quality of patient care closer to international standards

Educational programs raise the level of competence of nursing staff, which affects not
only the work of an individual clinic or hospital, but the health care system as a whole.


Arnold JonesHead of information technology
Cathy BalesPsychologist, management consultant, business coach
Michelle LancasterDoctor of Medicine, specialist in nurse advancement
Larry MayersDoctor of Medicine, specialist in nurse advancement
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